Monday, November 10, 2008

Cash Gifting Is Not A Business

Cash gifting is by far the most popular choice for any individual looking to take back charge of his or her finances. With that said, there is something that seriously needs to be emphasized to each and every participant in any cash gifting activity whether it’s a 1 up or a no 1 up cash gifting program.

Cash gifting is by far the most popular choice for any individual looking to take back charge of his or her finances. With that said, there is something that seriously needs to be emphasized to each and every participant in any cash gifting activity whether it's a 1 up or a no 1 up cash gifting program.

Cash gifting is NOT a business. Over 97% of people participating in cash gifting and no up cash gifting treat it as a business. When you read or hear words like "sponsor," "income," investment," "make money," "earn money," "increase your business," "marketing," etc., stay away from people using this terminology because they have no clue regarding real cash gifting.

Cash gifting has nothing to do with sales revenue or profit. It has absolutely nothing to do with business commerce of any kind whatsoever, yet so many treat it as a business. Mentioning ANYTHING about cash gifting in regards to anything pertaining to a business is illegal.

Always keep that in mind when researching cash gifting and you should be fine.

For more information regarding true cash gifting visit

Friday, October 24, 2008

Choosing A No 1 Up Cash Gifting Program

Recently I've noticed the growing popularity of no 1 up cash gifting programs. Because I'm participating in a no up cash gifting program, I'm excite. However, I'm also sickened at the same time by all of the wanna be no 1 up cash gifting programs coming out of the woodwork.

No up cash gifting has taken over the cash gifting world yet there is a problem for most people trying to get involved. The problem is making the right decision to join the right private cash gifting club. This article can help anyone looking to join and become a member of a no up cash gifting program. The link is below.

Be sure to read as much information as possible before making a decision to join any no 1 up cash gifting activity.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

No 1 Up Cash Gifting Is Spreading Like Wild Fire

With the ever-so-increasing rise in gas prices and the housing crisis that plagues the nation in foreclosures, it's no wonder why so many people are turning to no 1 up cash gifting as the means to end their financial sufferings.

This new no up cash gifting program is the very first of its kind and has already helped thousands of people realize financial success which was difficult for most people to achieve in any other cash gifting program or home-based opportunity.

New members are becoming loyal participants of this no 1 up cash gifting program literally by the hundreds and the numbers are increasing at staggering rates.

The best thing about this program, aside from the fact that the founders clearly have the best interest of each and every new participating member in mind, is the no 1 up concept makes this private cash gifting activity extremely easy to share with others.

Do yourself a favor and take a good look at this program and its members.

More no 1 up cash gifting information can be read by clicking the link below.

Monday, September 22, 2008

No Up Cash Gifting Myth #1

Myth - In a no up cash gifting program, you can't make any money because you have to continue to invite more and more people in order to continually receive cash, and if you stop inviting people you won't make anymore money.

First of all, no one makes money in cash gifting. Secondly, in ANY cash gifting program, whether it's a 1up or a 2up, when anyone stops inviting people the cash you receive will end as well. You are kidding yourself if you actually believe that a 1up cash gifting system will provide you with residual cash flow. In cash gifting, there is no such thing as residual.

I've been seeing numerous websites filled blog posts and articles regarding no 1 up cash gifting and I thought I'd shed some light on this topic.

Let me start by saying cash gifting is NOT a business. Although many of us participating in a cash gifting activity want to introduce this amazing concept to the world because of the monetary benefits that may come along with sharing, we must do so with this in mind.

Presently there are dozens of cash gifting programs and system that flood the internet today and more than most of them have a business-like skeleton. What do I mean by this? Well, simply stated, most of these so-called cash gifting systems require you to pass up cash gifts in order to be placed in a position to receive.

With a traditional network or multi-level marketing system, this structure works because since these types of systems are deemed as businesses, a business-like model can help its members become more profitable by leveraging from having a downline.

In cash gifting, this structure makes 1up and 2up cash gifting programs business-like...PERIOD!

No 1 up cash gifting is true cash gifting. There is absolutely no qualifying in order to receive. In fact, the words cash gifting and qualifying used in the same sentence sounds funny to me. The Universal Law of giving and receiving is just that; once you have given, it's time for you to receive. It's as simple as that.

No up cash gifting is taking over and there is nothing you, any person or cash gifting program can do about it.

If you are currently looking into cash gifting, consider this; you'll find hundreds of people, more than most of them failing miserably in cash gifting, trying to push a 1up program to you and at the same time trying to use "sales tactics" by offering deals such as no qualifying or no passing up.

The underlying question you should ask yourself is if the 1up was as powerful as many say it is, why offer deals?

No up cash gifting is where the future of cash gifting is headed and if you don't take advantage of it before these 1up cash gifting crooks begin to destroy the no up cash gifting concept by trying to turn it into a business, thus taking away its integrity, you'll be kicking yourself in the kaboose.

I have a challenge for you. If you're reading this blog post with your lips twisted in disbelief, I'm glad, because what I want you to do is contact one of the many people you've been researching online and ask who I be required to pass up my first person if I sent you cash today? Ten times out of ten they'll tell you absolutely not.

Then I want you to join them and find out, first hand, what I mean my 1up cash gifting crook!

If you consider yourself to have even the slightest ounce of intelligence, you should have no trouble realizing where the future of cash gifting is headed.